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Inhouse Requests

ILL (Inter Library Loan) is a service that enables the staff and the students of Social Sciences University of Ankara to borrow publications from other universities and research libraries in Turkey.

ILL service is carried out by ANKOS Interlibrary Cooperation System (ANKOS-KİTS) in our library. For this reason, the library to be used in the borrowing service should be included among the libraries registered in this system.

Users who want to benefit from ILL service must complete the required fields in the ILL Request Form.

For the users who wish to borrow a publication via KİTS, the lending rules in the regulations of the relevant library apply. It is the responsibility of our users to return the borrowed source without any damage. The shipping costs (round-trip) of the publications to be borrowed shall be borne by the requesting user.

Requests Outside the Institution

The lending rules applicable to other institutions wishing to take advantage of our library collection through the KİTS are included in the ASBU Library Regulation. You can find relevant information on the Loan Rules page.

The cargo costs of the publications shall be borne by the requesting institutions.

Please contact our Resource Sharing Officer librarian for detailed information.


Resource Sharing Officer Librarian

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0312 596 46 09

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