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How do I find publications?

You can browse the entire library catalog and electronic book collection using the library information system program. With this system, users can see the sources in their account and extend their loan period, as well as do a simple or detailed catalog search.

Can I borrow books with my friend's ID?

Members can only borrow publications with their own ID card. No actio can be taken for another reader.

Can my friend return my books?


My information source is damaged / lost what should I do?

You should contact the library. The same source / price + transaction fee is taken.

How can I reserve a material?

To reserve a material, it must be on loan. A material on the shelf can not be reserved. If, after searching the catalog, the status of the desired material is "at the user", you must click on the title to reserve it. Click the lock icon in the operations section at the right of the material information section at the bottom of the page that opens.

What are working hours?

Our library is open from 08.00 to 17.00 on weekdays.

What is ILL?

The sources of information that are not available in the library collections are provided by other institutions depending on the lending rules of these institutions.
The period of book requests is 2-5 days and the article requests are 1-10 days.

What is ISBN / ISSN?

Books and periodicals have their own international numbers. ISBN (International Serial Number of Books) is used for books; and ISSN (International Serial Number of Serials) is used for periodicals.

How often can I make an extension?

If the material is not reserved by another user, the academic staff can extend 5 times and other users can extend 3 times.

Can I access the library catalog from outside the campus?

You can browse the library catalog at or through the search box on the web page.

How can I make a catalog browse?

The library collection can be searched by author, title, topic, series name and similar criteria. Scans can also be made from very specific issues by combining English titles or with an LC classification number. The searched material is scanned from the computer terminals. It is possible to check which in which library collection the material is, and if the material is in the collection, it can be checked whether it is borrowed or not. If the material is on loan, the return date is displayed on the computer and if another member has reserved it or not.  Okuyucu kendi adına da materyali ayırabilir. Before you go to the shelves, you should note down the classification number.

How are books arranged in the shelves?

The American Library of Library Classification System (LC) is used in our library. Books are arranged subjectively on the basis of open shelf. The first letter that creates the location number determines the main subject. The other letter next to it determines a subgroup associated with it.
The subsequent numerical group determines the tertiary subgroup depending on the main subject.
The following group is created according to the surname of the author. The last chapter determines the year of publication.

How can I use the library services?

The Academic and administrative staff of our universitya and students are accepted as members. In order to benefit from the borrowing services, you need to apply to the Lending Unit of our library with your university ID cards. The members must have their ID cards in order to use the services(borrowing, book refund, extension, reservation etc.) of the lending. They can reserve any publications on the library automation program or make extension of the publications on them.

Where can I find library usage rules?

You can find the usage rules of ASBU Library by clicking on the library's directive on the library’s web page.

Is there a place in the library where I can use the internet?

You can connect to the internet with wireless connection in our library. You can also use the laptops and tablets we borrowed with your university ID card.

I want to work part-time in the library, what should I do?

Students who want to work part time in the library can prepare a detailed CV and apply to the Department of Health, Culture and Sports.

What is considered multimedia?

DVD, VCD and video cassettes, publications as audio cassettes that are not books or magazines(film, music, e-books, computer programs, documentaries, etc.).

What is considered reference book?

References as encyclopedia, biography, map, manual. These are limited to use within the library.

How can I find out whether the materials I reserved have come or not?

The materials you reserved will be notified to you by the system as soon as they are returned.

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